At Outdoor Ecuador Spanish School, we combine oral communication with theoretical teaching and learning methods, where grammar exercises are implemented to benefit the level of communication. Our classes implement the use of the skills necessary for learning a new language. As well as oral expression and interaction, we employ writing, reading and listening exercises to encourage a better scope of the language, our school makes use of a wide range of educational resources, including some of our own materials to allow us to assess the level of each student, accurately. We also make use of real written and oral samples and encourage students to utilize in-house resources such as Spanish radio podcasts, flyers, and more. Each of our outdoor classrooms is surrounded by gardens and fruit trees and sometimes we can enjoy the company of the iguanas that live around. Outdoor learning allows students to cultivate an appreciation for nature and the environment by allowing them to think playfully and spontaneously while learning and enjoy the warm climate that the coast offers us depending on the seasons.
Der Business Sprachkurs wird für Leute mit Vorkenntnissen der Sprache empfohlen, die die Sprachkenntnisse im Geschäftsleben benötigen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in diesen Kursen auf Themen wie Geschäftskorrespondenz, Präsentationen und Telefon Ausbildung. Wählen Sie einfach einen der unten aufgeführten Sprachkurse.
Allgemeine Spanischkurse sind für Erwachsene, die ihr Sprechen, Verstehen, Lesen und Schreiben auf Spanisch verbessern wollen. Für fast alle Spanisch Sprachkurse ist das Mindestalter 16 Jahre. 2 - 48 -wöchige verfügbar. Die meisten Intensiv Spanisch Sprachkurse in Olon beinhalten 30 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche.