Beliebte Ziele in Taiwan

Sprachkurs in Taipei mit Language International
Chinesisch Mandarin lernen

2 Schulen, 13 Kurse los geht's

Sprachkurs in Kaohsiung mit Language International
Chinesisch Mandarin lernen

1 Schule, 5 Kurse los geht's

Sprachkurs in Taipei mit Language International
Sprachkurs in Kaohsiung mit Language International


1 Schule, 5 Kurse

Chinesisch Mandarin Kurstypen

Welcher Chinesisch Mandarin Sprachkurs interessiert Sie?


Allgemeine Chinesisch Mandarin Sprachkurse

Allgemeine Chinesisch Mandarinkurse sind für Erwachsene, die ihr Sprechen, Verstehen, Lesen und Schreiben auf Chinesisch Mandarin verbessern wollen. Für fast alle Chinesisch Mandarin Sprachkurse ist das Mindestalter 16 Jahre. 2 - 48 -wöchige verfügbar. Die meisten Intensiv Chinesisch Mandarin Sprachkurse in !region beinhalten 30 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche.

Fragen und Antworten

Haben Sie noch Fragen? Erhalten Sie Antworten von unseren Sprachreisenberatern und den Mitarbeitern und früheren Studenten des Language International.

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"She is an an American citizen, residing in Germany. Does she need to apply for a visa, does she need an invitation from your school?"

Nancy Held, Sprachschüler aus Deutschland
Bruce Gao, Mitarbeiter von Boston School of Modern Languages
About the visa, cause he will only stay in China less than one month, so we suggest that he can apply the L-VISA (tourist Visa) directly by himself.
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"The student is from Spain and living in Hong Kong now. Do you support student to apply for student visa? Is the student able to work in Taiwan during his stay?"

Mark Gruendemann
he student coming from Spain will be issued with a 90 day tourist visa ( 12 weeks), what all our long term students do is fly to hong kong for a few hours after 12 weeks and then re-enter and get a new 90 day visa, The flights are quite cheap. You can re enter Taiwan as many times as you like and you do not need to stay away for 90 days etc, As regards to work, it depends what the student is doing? For example he/she will be allowed to engage in business activites, ie Meetings etc, but will not be eligible to to say work in a school teaching?
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"How can the student stay until the end of the course? Does he need to apply for a visitor visa or he needs to book a longer course and apply for a resident visa? Is there any requirement in the amount of hours per week of classes to apply for the visitor visa? and for the resident visa?"

Mark Gruendemann, Mitarbeiter von Nihongo Center
The maximum visa the student can get is 90 days tourist. He would have to leave Taiwan after 90 days and re-enter ( on same day is fine) to obtain a new 90 day visa. This can be done via flying to honk kong or some country near by on a cheap flights.
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"What are the airports in Taiwan?"

Jack Berger, Sprachschüler aus USA
Mark Gruendemann, Mitarbeiter von Wiracocha Spanish School
Taipei Taipei Songshan- this is a small airport and we do not have many international students arriving here.. the most popular is Taoyaun!
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"This student is from Canada. I understand he does not need any visa for the course if it is less than 90 days. Is that right?"

Mark Gruendemann, Mitarbeiter von Step by Step Proficiency
The student will not require a visa
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