
Roke Lane, Milford, Surrey GU8 5NY, UK

Alle Kurse

UK2Learn bietet folgende Kurse an:

1.868 €


  • Gebäude von UK2Learn 1/24
  • Gebäude von UK2Learn 2/24
  • Studentenwohnheim von UK2Learn 3/24
  • Sprachschüler von UK2Learn 4/24
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von UK2Learn 5/24
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von UK2Learn 6/24
  • Sprachschüler von UK2Learn 7/24
  • Sprachschüler von UK2Learn 8/24
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von UK2Learn 9/24
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von UK2Learn 10/24
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von UK2Learn 11/24
  • Sprachschüler von UK2Learn 12/24
  • Lehrer und Angestellte bei UK2Learn 13/24
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von UK2Learn 14/24
  • Dining Hall 15/24
  • Sport 16/24
  • Sport 17/24
  • Sprachschüler von UK2Learn 18/24
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von UK2Learn 19/24
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von UK2Learn 20/24
  • Sprachschüler von UK2Learn 21/24
  • Lehrer und Angestellte bei UK2Learn 22/24
  • Lehrer und Angestellte bei UK2Learn 23/24
  • Whole School 24/24


100% empfehlen

basierend auf 3 Bewertungen
5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern
Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule

"Uk2learn is the best way to spend your summer"

Isabel López Gómez

Uk2learn is definitely the best way to spend two weeks of your summer. Two years ago I went with two friends and we all loved the experience, so we came back this year again but this time with my sister and my cousin and it was even better.

In this summer camp you get to meet a lot of lovely people from different countries and the best thing is we still keep in touch with people that we met in 2016. We had a lot of fun, we had classes in the morning and then activities after lunch such as cooking, drama, art, film and animation.... the thing is you never get bored. But definitely what was best were the trips. We visited a lot of different places like Oxford, London, harry potter studios... you had a great time. The staff members were really amazing, you had great fun with them, as well as the teachers that taught us a lot of useful English. It is definitely the best way to learn English because you are constantly talking to people and improving your listening and speaking skills.
The housing was really good as well, we had all sorts of facilities and the food was really good.

I definitely recommend this summer camp to students that want to improve their English at the same time they are having fun!


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
9 Jul 2018 - 22 Jul 2018
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?

"It was a remarkable experience that gave me the opportunity to make incredible friends and practice English."

Paula Álvarez Reyes

I have had the opportunity to be part of this summer camp twice! In both of them I had a fantastic experience, because of many reasons:

Firstly, I have been to two locations. The first one was Luckley House School and the second one was King Edwards School. Although they were different, they both felt like home in two days. King Edwards is huge. Therefore it has many facilities that made our stay amazing. We had our English lessons in Barrow Hills which was a nice and cosy school. At first, I thought that having lessons might be boring. However, they were very useful, as we got to know each other as well as practicing and learning English. Actually, the teachers helped to create a great atmosphere in the class as they were close to us.

I also enjoyed having a variety of activities to do after lunch such as art, film animation, drama or even cooking. After that we could choose the sport we wanted and that was fun. However, the best part of the day for me was definitely the activities after dinner. Everyday was different and we did all sort of things as a talent show, a table tennis tournament or a disco!

I believe Uk2learn is an awesome experience for teenagers as you share it with friends from all over the world. We would never forget visiting Oxford, Windsor, Stratford Upon avon or London!


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
9 Jul 2018 - 22 Jul 2018
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?

"It’s a life-changing experience that I won’t forget!"

Sofía Maneiro Vázquez

I’ve been to UK2learn twice, I went there first in 2016 and I couldn’t wait to come back so that’s what I did this July. The thing that I like the most about it is it’s lively and welcoming atmosphere.
Firstly, the two schools were great, the one where we slept had well-furnished bedrooms with comfortable beds and big wardrobes, it was large with plenty of green areas where we could spend our free time and common rooms for us to relax. The other school was very close to it. It had a playground and many sports areas, a canteen, classrooms and other well-equipped rooms where we did activities such as dancing. The food was always tasty and in good quantities.
Moreover we took part in many activities such as rounders, a treasure hunt, a barbecue and a fashion show in which we had a lot of fun and make friends, we never got bored! We could also choose between film animation, drama, cooking or DJing, it was difficult to choose, but my favourite was drama! All the activities were really good prepared and the staff made sure that we were having a good time.
We went to several trips as well, for example the Harry Potter studios, London or Oxford, it was a great time for us to get to know the English culture and to visit monuments and plenty of picturesque streets.
Another point to be mentioned is that the teachers and staff were incredible, they were friendly, helped us in everything and performed their tasks successfully. One important fact is that a lot of people from different nationalities go to this camp, so it’s easy and funny to practice and improve your English. I made a lot of friends and we all ended up becoming a family!
I would highly recommend this summer camp to everybody, it doesn’t matter your age or nationality, you will always make friends, learn English and have fun!


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
2 Wochen
9 Jul 2018 - 23 Jul 2018
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?


UK2Learn bietet folgende Unterkunfte an:

Wohnheim - 2-Personen Zimmer - Frühstück, Mittag-und Abendessen

1.167 €

Student residence - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Altersdurchschnitt: 8 - 17 Jahre alt
Unterkunftstyp: Wohnheim
Zimmertyp: 2-Personen Zimmer
Verpflegungstyp: Frühstück, Mittag-und Abendessen (21 Mahlzeiten pro Woche)
Ausstattung: Küche, wäscherei, telefon, computers, wLAN, kostenloses Internet, tV-Raum, teppich, hartholz, heizung, aufsicht 24/7, garten, sportanlagen, und andere
Verfügbarkeit: Januar - Dezember
Anreise: Montag, jederzeit
Abreise: Sonntag, jederzeit
1.167 €
School and boarding house facilities:
• Warm, comfortable and traditional English boarding accommodation in single, two or four-bedded rooms
• Single bedroom accommodation for group leaders and accompanying parents where possible
• Meals taken in the spacious, modern school canteen (breakfast and dinner in senior school, lunch in junior school)
• Fresh fruit to be served twice daily
• Tea, coffee or hot chocolate and toast and biscuits served in the boarding house before bed
• Access to broadband and WiFi
• Sports fields, AstroTurf pitch, tennis courts and football fields
• Sports hall with indoor badminton, basketball and swimming pool
• Woodland area
• Safe and homely atmosphere set within magnificent school grounds
• Keypad locks on all school buildings for security


Leider können wir für Sie kein Visum beantragen. Falls Sie ein Visum benötigen, kann Ihnen die Schule alle nötigen Unterlagen einschließlich der Annahmebestätigung und Quittung über die Zahlung der Gebühren zuschicken.

EU-Bürger brauchen kein Visum, um in Großbritannien zu studieren. Falls Sie kein EU-Bürger sind und ein Visum benötigen gilt Folgendes: wenn Sie mehr als 11 Monate in Großbritannien studieren, erhalten Sie eine Referenznummer genannt Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), die Sie in der britischen Botschaft zusammen mit dem General Student Visa Antrag einreichen müssen. Personen, die einen Sprachkurs gebucht und bezahlt haben, erhalten ein CAS von . Bitte beachten Sie, dass das britische Recht besagt, dass ein CAS nur an Studenten, die die englische Sprache für über 11 Monate lernen möchten, ausgestellt werden kann.

Wenn Sie für 11 Monate oder kürzer in Großbritannien studieren, müssen Sie ein besonderes Besuchervisum genannt Student Visitor Visa beantragen. Sie dürfen mit diesem Visum während des Studiums nicht in Teilzeit arbeiten. Ein Letter of Acceptance wird kostenlos an Ihre Heimatadresse geschickt. Wenn Sie Ihre Unterlagen per Express erhalten möchten, werden Ihnen £ 15 bei der Registrierung in Rechnung gestellt.

Erfahre mehr darüber, wie man ein Visum für Großbritannien erhält »

Flüge und Flughafentransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Surrey based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Versicherung »



Roke Lane
Surrey GU8 5NY

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