Der Spanischkurs Intensiv 25 ist für die Schüler geeignet, die in kürzester Zeit so viel Spanisch wie möglich lernen möchten. 25 Unterrichtsstunden Spanischunterricht pro Woche werden durch von uns organisierte Freizeitaktivitäten ergänzt. Der Kurs ist genauso aufgebaut wie der Kurs Intensiv 20, du hast aber täglich eine Stunde mehr Unterricht. In diesen 50 zusätzlichen Minuten werden das Hörverstehen und das mündliche Ausdrucksvermögen verbessert.
Details zum Kurs:
Wann wird der Kurs angeboten: das ganze Jahr über
Stundenlänge: 4 x 45 Minuten + 1 x 5o Minuten pro Tag
Kursdauer: min. 1 Woche
Niveau: Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene (A1 bis C2 innerhalb des Europäischen Referenzrahmens)
Kursbeginn: jeden Montag
Teilnehmerzahl: max.8 *10 während der Hauptsaison
Mindestalter: 17
Einige Gründe für einen Intensivkurs 25
Du hast ein Niveau zwischen Anfänger und Fortgeschritten in Spanisch (A1-C2)
Du möchtest deine Spanischkenntnisse schnell und effektiv verbessern.
Du möchtest fließend Spanisch sprechen und Alltagssituationen meistern.
Du möchtest alle vier Kernkompetenzen üben: Hörverstehen, Leseverständnis, mündliche und schriftliche Ausdrucksweise.
Du planst, im spanischsprachigen Ausland zu leben und willst dich vorbereiten.
Du willst deine Kommunikationsfähigkeit in einer Stunde Extraunterricht verbessern.
Hören, Sprechen, Aussprache, Lesen, Schreiben, Wortschatz, Grammatik und Aktivitäten
K2 CADIZ bietet keine Sprachreisen während der oben genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
You can choose from the following class times:
Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.
Durchschnitt | 7 Studenten |
Maximum | 10 Studenten |
Altersdurchschnitt | 16 Jahre und älter |
Durchschnitt | 30 Jahre alt (24 im Sommer) |
K2 Internacional ist eine 2001 gegründete Sprachschule spezialisiert auf Spanischunterricht. Alle unsere Kurse sind vom Instituto Cervantes akkreditiert.Seit 2001 bieten wir höchste Qualität und sorgen dafür, dass unsere Schüler eine unvergleichliche Erfahrung an unserer Sprachschule machen.
Mehr als 10.000 Schüler und über 40 Institutionen aus der ganzen Welt können die Effizienz unseres besonderen Lernprogramms für Spanisch bestätigen.Wir sind die einzige Sprachschule im Herzen des Zentrums von Cádiz, und ein 5-minütiger Spaziergang führt dich zu den meisten Attraktionen der Stadt: Strände, Bars, Parks, Pubs, Läden, Museen, der Fischmarkt, die Kathedrale, das römische Theater, etc.
K2 Internacional befindet sich auf einem der typischen Plätze der Stadt, in einem der traditionellen dreistöckigen Gebäude aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, das jedoch komplett renoviert und modernisiert wurde. Somit bietet unser Gebäude alle modernen Vorzüge und verfügt dennoch über den alten Charme der Kaufmannshäuser. Wir verfügen über helle und lichtdurchflutete Klassenzimmer, kostenloses Internet innerhalb der Schule sowie einen Computerraum mit Sprachlabor und Laptops. Beamer oder TVs sind in jedem der Klassenzimmer für einen interaktiven Unterricht installiert.
Die Schule ist außerdem mit einer sehr schönen Küche ausgestattet, die für unsere berühmten Kochkurse benutzt wird. Natürlich kann unsere Küche während den Pausen auch von unseren Schülern genutzt werden. Zudem verfügen wir über eine Bibliothek mit Materialien, Büchern, Magazinen, Filmen, Musik und Reiseführern um selbstständig weiterzulernen. Das kannst du ganz entspannt auf unserer Terrasse mit toller Aussicht machen. Natürlich eignet sich unsere Terrasse auch um Parties zu feiern oder um dich einfach mit deinen Klassenkameraden zu unterhalten.
Das K2 INTERNACAIONAL-Lehrerteam wird aufgrund seiner akademischen Ausbildung, seiner Erfahrung im Unterrichten von Spanisch sowie seiner Motivation und Begeisterung für die ELE-Welt (Spanisch als Fremdsprache) ausgewählt. Daher ist K2 CADIZ sehr stolz darauf, die besten und qualifiziertesten Lehrer zu haben. Alle unsere Lehrer haben einen Universitätsabschluss, einen Master-Abschluss und führen Jahr für Jahr zahlreiche Schulungen durch, um sich über die neuen Unterrichtsmethoden und -inhalte auf dem Laufenden zu halten.
Neue Produkte für Besucher von: Sueco - CSN - y alemán - Bildungsurlaub.
Unsere hochqualifizierten Lehrkräfte werden im Mittelpunkt Ihrer Erfahrung stehen. Am ersten Tag des Unterrichts werden sie Ihre Fähigkeiten und Vorlieben beurteilen, um Ihr Programm entsprechend anzupassen. Sie unterstützen Sie innerhalb und außerhalb des Klassenzimmers, bewerten Ihren Fortschritt und führen Sie in Richtung flüssige Sprache.
Sowohl unser Bildungsplan mit der K2 INTERNACIONAL-Unterrichtsmethodik als auch die Lehrpläne unserer Lehrer stehen allen unseren Schülern zur Verfügung.
K2 CADIZ has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Spanien. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Der Nationalitäten- und Altersmix bei K2 CADIZ hängt von den Kursen, Sprachniveaus, und der Saison ab. Das Durchschnittslater ist ganzjährig 30 Jahre. Im Sommer ist das Durchschnittslater 24 Jahre
K2 CADIZ unterrichtet Studenten aus der ganzen Welt, darunter:
K2 CADIZ bietet keine Sprachreisen während der unten genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
K2 CADIZ ist die einzige Spanisch-Sprachschule im Zentrum der Stadt. Es befindet sich auf einem der typischsten Plätze im Herzen der Stadt Cadiz. Seit 2001 veranstalten wir ein vom Cervantes Institute akkreditiertes spanisches Immersionsprogramm für Erwachsene und Jugendliche, das höchste Servicequalität bietet. Unsere Kurse wurden auch genehmigt von:
Schwedisch - CSN - und deutsch - Bildungsurlaub - Regierungen.
Unsere Spanischschule ist die einzige Spanischschule im Zentrum von Cadiz und befindet sich in einem restaurierten historischen Gebäude aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, das sorgfältig dekoriert und mit modernen Annehmlichkeiten ausgestattet ist. Helle, komfortable Unterrichtsräume mit TV, kostenfreiem WLAN, Computerraum, Salon mit Projektor und Tanzfläche.
Die Schule verfügt auch über eine schöne Küche für unseren berühmten Kochkurse, eine Bibliothek mit kostenlosen Materialien zum Selbststudium, Helpdesk-Mitarbeiter und eine Terrasse, die sich ideal für unsere Partys und für Gespräche mit Ihren Kommilitonen eignet.
Unsere große Auswahl an Online- und Face-to-Face-Kursen entspricht den Bedürfnissen aller Studenten zu einem erschwinglichen Preis. Sie sollen es Ihnen so leicht wie möglich machen, Spanisch von Anfang an zu lernen und zu sprechen. Dank der kleineren Klassen und der persönlichen Betreuung unserer hochqualifizierten Lehrkräfte werden Sie ganz einfach Spanisch lernen und gleichzeitig das beste Ambiente genießen. Sie können Ihre DELE-Prüfungen oder CCSE-Prüfungen auch direkt in unserer Schule ablegen, da wir ein offizielles Prüfungszentrum sind.
Um Ihnen ständige Möglichkeiten zu bieten, Spanisch zu sprechen und das Beste aus Ihrem Aufenthalt zu machen, werden die Kurse mit einer Vielzahl von sportlichen, kulturellen und sozialen Aktivitäten kombiniert. Sie alle werden Sie dazu bringen, sich in unsere Kultur zu verlieben und mehr über unsere Lebensweise zu erfahren.
Die Mitarbeiter des K2 Internacional helfen Ihnen bei der Organisation Ihrer Reise, einschließlich der Unterkunft, des Abholservice und der Unterstützung bei der Beantragung eines Visums. Wenn Sie den Ärger nicht wollen, überlassen Sie ihn uns und wir kümmern uns um alles.
Es ist nicht nur Spanisch, was Sie lernen sollten; Es ist eine neue Art, Spanien zu sehen, es ist Teil eines lohnenden, angenehmen und unvergesslichen pädagogischen Erlebnisses Ihres Lebens.
K2 Internacional, die einzige Schule in Cadiz, die all dies und noch viel mehr bietet!
Overall I was happy at K2 Cadiz. I made considerable progress in my Spanish skills.
One thing I was not happy about was the conversation class in week 2. Our B1 group was already relatively large, which reduced the speaking contribution of individual class members. The B2 group was only 2 people and instead of putting some of our B1 class members into the B2 group for the conversation class, you added these two to our already large class. They had a better command of Spanish and could contribute more to the conversation class reducing the contribution of the B1 members even further. I found this decision quite poor and this reduces my rating from very good to only average.
I cant find any bad things. I was travelling with my wife so I didnt need to use your activities. And this 20 hours was very suitable for me at least this time.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...I truly enjoyed the experience learning Spanish in K2 Internacional. The intensive 25+5 course provided me with a truly emersive learning experience, through which I significantly improved my Spanish. A small class size allowed for an individual approach and I enjoyed my classes with all three of my teachers.The location of the school is just excellent with many cafes, bar and restaurants in the surrounding, allowing you to spend your breaks chatting with other students, while enjoying traditional Spanish breakfast or tapas. I will definitely come back at my earliest occasion! :)
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...The school is very nice, friendly and great teachers with a lot of knowledge, great location in one of the best areas of cadiz!
I can recommend 100%.
A lot of nice evening programmes to deepen your language skills.
Always open for questions
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at K2 Cadiz. The school’s warm and friendly atmosphere made it easy to settle in quickly and to feel confident to speak up during the lessons. My teacher kept her classes engaging with a good combination of conversation, grammar, reading comprehension, and games. The breaks during the day also made it easy to get to know classmates outside of lessons. Classes finished at 2 pm so there was plenty of time in the afternoon/ evening to enjoy all that this vibrant city has to offer! The school also organizes activities every week which are another great way of meeting new people and making friends. I would highly recommend the school to anyone who wants to improve their language skills or to those starting from scratch! Thank you K2 for a wonderful experience.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Dear Daisy, thanks your your nice words about the school. We are pleased to know you enjoy the time in Cadiz and at our school. Big hug from all the staff at K2 CADIZ.
My experience studying at K2 in Cádiz was amazing! I made new friends from various countries and learned a lot of Spanish in very little time, thanks to the great teachers. I also loved the atmosphere at school, because they love what they do and show it, so everybody feels at home. The city of Cádiz is a great town to learn Spanish, since the majority of the population doesn´t speak English very well and you are therefore forced to practice your Spanish in your free time, when participating in some of the many activities that Cádiz and the school offer. For instance, they organize different journeys to towns nearby, visit exhibitions, go out for Tapas while enjoying a typical flamenco show, etc. The city is quite small, but still offers a lot activities for your free time, and you can´t get lost, which I really liked :).
I would come here again, it´s great!
The language school is situated in a beautiful, ancient house. The staff were very friendly and helpful and can be approached for any question or problem. The teaching was a good mixture of grammar and conversation, the teaching materials were appealing and varied and the teachers were very competent and open to all suggestions. Outside the class, there were interesting activities to get to know the city and the province more closely and to make contacts. All in all: fun learning experience in a private atmosphere with dedicated people.
Thank you!
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda Anna! Esto es super útil para nosotras para que otros estudiantes puedan conocer, de primera mano, la experiencia de antiguos estudiantes. Un abrazo de parte de todo el equipo de K2.
Hello K2 crew, it has been my pleasure. I liked the school, its teachers, the family in which I stayed with during the last two weeks. The school building is situated in the old city, Cadiz. I liked its beaches, the sea, the history of Cadiz, school activities, the bars and their tapas. In total I had a sensational, relaxed and intellectually very productive stay. Thank you very much and do not hesitate to inform me if you are in Berlin. See you and many greetings from Berlin.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...My teacher was excellent, had prepared interesting lessons based on the preferences I expressed at our first meeting. These were individual classes, one-on-one, so I had plenty of opportunity to speak as well as to listen and the teacher was skillful in her use of the target language to promote and stretch my learning.
The school was located in a beautiful building in a beautiful plaza which had tapas restaurants and fountains, sun and shade and a lovely atmosphere. I had chosen a one-hour lesson each day for five days. So I only used one classroom but there was a library and computers available. I talked to another student, a 'mature' student like me, in Spanish. Apart from that there was little contact with others but that was the nature of the course I had chosen. My teacher provided me with homework/preparation tasks after each lesson, and I enjoyed doing them. I did not partake in any activities organised by the school as I was on holiday with my husband and we had arranged our accommodation and holiday activities independently. There was nothing I disliked about this course.
Dear Nicola, thank you very much for your review. I'm glad to hear you have a good time with us and we hope to see you again in the future! Don't forget to keep on practising Spanish back home! Besos!
The school was easy to find and it is located in a lovely plaza where one can have great coffee and lunch. As we were so few students at this time of the year, I was in a class that was less challenging than I had hoped, but still fun and informative. Our teacher, José, was very good at explaining things, kind, and patient. Yolanda was super helpful with organizing transportation. Overall, it was a great experience!
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...K2 Internacional has helped me not only to learn Spanish grammar, but it also a part of the Spanish culture. All the activities prepared for the students like cooking workshops, trips to other cities, surfing lessons, and Flamenco classes have served to enhance my experience and knowledge about Spain in general. I should also mention the very positive attitude that the teachers and school officials had with me. I am very happy and grateful.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...It has been a wonderful experience to study at K2 Internacional. I enjoyed the school atmosphere, our teachers and colleagues. Aside from the language courses, K2 Internacional also offered many extracurricular activities related to local culture and also offered sports, which was great! I have grown in a lot of ways - I have improved my Spanish, I’ve learned a lot about Spanish culture, communication, my independence in other country, and about myself. I really recommend K2 Internacional for those who wish to improve their language skills and experience an unforgettable adventure in one of the oldest cities in Western Europe.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...At the beginning, I wasn’t too sure if what I had imagined would be what I would receive, but it really lived up to my expectations. The city was really beautiful and made you want to learn the language even more. Well, at least it did inspire me. The school was situated in a great place, too, in the old city center, near the beach. It was not that big, but that was exactly what I wanted. I felt like visiting old friends and not like I was going to school. The teachers were very nice and helped not only with language and grammar problems but with anything that might have troubled you. They were really friendly and this always made me smile when meeting them in the street.
Another thing that I really enjoyed were the extracurricular activities. I couldn’t say no to the surf or Flamenco classes. They really helped to immerse oneself in the culture and it gave you a chance to not only work on your homework after language classes but to practice too. It was a really useful and meaningful experience and I would definitely recommend this school to my friends!
I liked learning Spanish at this school located at Cadiz, which offered courses of quality, and with prepared teachers. At Cadiz, you could enjoy the sea, beach, and go sightseeing. I recommend this experience if you are interested in learning more about the Spanish language and culture.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Coming from America, with less than proficient Spanish skills, I was very nervous to stay in Spain by myself and go to school. The first day I stepped foot in K2, my nerves were completely settled. Every teacher I met made me feel so comfortable and welcome, yet I still felt challenged. I learned more Spanish in the 2 weeks I spent in Cádiz than I did in 3 years in America. The location of the school is also amazing and the activities given are so much fun. At K2 I actually looked forward to going to school every day and it was part of what made my trip so wonderful. It is an experience I will always be grateful for. Can't wait to go back and visit!
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...I learned Spanish in Cadiz, and compared to the general tourist hotspots, there was a sense of more security there. When I came to Andalusia, I could only speak Spanish. If you couldn’t understand Spanish, you could only rely on body language. However, this city's people will help you find a street in Cadiz, as long as you had the boldness to ask, because they were very humane in Andalusia. If you loved the beach, you'll love Cadiz, whether it was the New Victoria Beach, or the old town castle – all were very beautiful! The homes were 5-10 minutes away from the school, as well as the beach and shops. This way, you could save a lot of transportation costs and time.
Before the first class, we had to do a test to determine our level, and I personally appreciated this in order to ensure that no one was assigned in the wrong class. The teachers taught very patiently, especially for the basic course. They had every bit of knowledge to explain things in detail. In addition to courses, the school also organized a variety of activities to promote the city (especially in the summer, when the Cadiz municipal government organized numerous activities), to enable students to learn more about the Cadiz culture. Learning Spanish in Cadiz was a very memorable experience.
I am an Italian student of 18 years. I decided to live an experience in Cadiz to improve my level of Spanish.
In the morning, I attended a course that proved to be very useful. The presence of foreigners in my course allowed me to learn about cultures and customs different from mine.
Moreover, the teachers were always available to each of us.
I highly recommend this experience!
In the past six weeks, I was glad to have the opportunity to intern at the International Language Centre K2. The teachers were very friendly, and this time led me to learn a lot. Most importantly, I had the opportunity to meet people of different nationalities and the opportunity to communicate with them. They also contributed a little bit to the experience. Even if they were of different culture, we learned from each other, and gave each other knowledge and understanding.
K2 International Language Center gave me a very warm feeling. The teachers were often concerned about my needs. I also saw the teachers worked very hard to prepare lessons and to arrange different types of activities for students. The school's location was very convenient to walk to from work or from my home. Going to the beach also only took five minutes.
I think Cadiz is a very special city. It is a coastal town, and in ten minutes you could go to the beach to enjoy. Cadiz people are very friendly, happy to talk to you and help you. In Hong Kong, the daily life is stuffed full of people. In Cadiz, the atmosphere and culture make you enjoy the real life.
I recommend everyone to come to this place to learn Spanish! I believe you will have a different experience and enjoy. :)
My name is Bianca and I am a student of 18 who attended a high school language course. In our school education, we had been proposed this trip, and I decided to come here to improve my Spanish.
Cadiz is perfect for young people because it is a university city, and there are many students of all ages. Cadiz is small, safe, and has a decent nightlife. The pubs, discos and beach make it suitable for every need.
The experience at school has been certainly very useful: the lessons are good and all the staff are always friendly and helpful.
I recommend this experience to every student, as well as an educational journey holiday.
I am an Italian student of 18 years. My accommodation was in an apartment in Cádiz, which was proposed to me by the school K2, as it was near the school.
I arrived in Cadiz on June 14 and I started my course of study with a short test to check my level, then I was placed in the class that best reflected my knowledge.
Cadiz is a small city, without danger, with many beaches where you can spend your free time soaking up the sun and meeting new people. As for the lessons, I am very satisfied with them. The teachers are always very kind and helpful for everything, and the hours spent in the classroom, in addition to being heavy, are particularly effective.
I highly recommend this experience!
To everyone considering this school, I say to you: do it! I've been here for three months now and K2 is great! The teachers are very open and fun to converse with, and the activities the school holds each week are great for getting to know your classmates better. It truly feels like a family away from home. I've learned a lot more about the Spanish culture than I've known before and my Spanish has improved a lot. I've had a great time here and will be sad to go.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...I finished my course at K2 Internacional few months ago, but the memories of this place are still coming back. The teachers are very kind, open-minded; we created a great team. K2 Internacional also offers many extracurricular activities, ex. flamenco classes, course of surfing. Living with a Spanish family allowed me to know closer the Spanish culture. The school, a magical city, the weather, local people--it all made me feel happy here. But most of all I would like to mention that the level of my Spanish has improved greatly. I really recommend K2 Internacional for those who wish to improve their language skills and experience the adventure of a lifetime.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...We (myself & my dear wife) visited the school for first time in 2011 and it was our very first contact with the language and the city of Cádiz. Since then we visited the charming city many times, we decided to repeat the classes again this year. And we weren't disappointed!
Our teacher, Juan Miguel, was the best we could get. The way he tried to teach us was simply fantastic and we learned things very fast. I have to mention that after 4 days we were able to have a quite fluent, although simple, conversation with two Colombian ladies in a taverna.
The school is located in the very nice area of old city, within walking distance to the La Caleta beach and with lots of tapas restaurants and cafes around. The school also arranged a private apartment for us, in perfect condition, literally 1 minute walking from the school.
We will definitely come back again as soon as we have chance to.
Muchas gracias!
Sorry, I do not have much time to write an extensive review. Like I said, the teachers are really professional. Though they have different teaching styles, they are all patient and looking for you to progress in your Spanish. The location is great, they have some good social activities, though if you're staying there for a longer period of time they might become a bit monotonous (but I was there three weeks, so then it was fine), and the housing was okay. I stayed in a shared flat with other students. Had my own room, which was clean. The cleaner only comes when there are new people moving into the house, so do expect to do some cleaning yourself as well.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Gastfamilien werden sorgfältig ausgesucht und bieten die Möglichkeit, mehr über eine fremde Kultur während des Sprachaufenthalts zu erfahren. Die Gastfamilien sind meist 5 Minuten mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln von der Schule entfernt. Die Gastfamilie bietet dazu ein preisgünstige Verpflegung an, die einen Einblick in die lokale Küche verschafft. Bitte informieren Sie uns im Voraus, falls Sie aus religiösen oder gesundheitlichen Gründen einen bestimmten Ernährungsplan benötigen sollten. Die Buchung Ihrer Unterkunft beginnt am Sonntag bevor Ihr Sprachkurs beginnt und endet am Samstag nachdem Ihr Sprachkurs endet, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Mehr über der Gastfamilie erfahren
Spanish Family, Half Board, Double Room (2 students must book together)
Spanish Family, Half Board, Single Room
Spanish Family, Full Board, Double Room (2 students must book together)
Spanish Family, Full Board, Single Room
Es ist möglich, während Ihres Sprachreisenaufenthalts in einer Mietswohnung unterzukommen, dies ist jedoch meistens kostenintensiver. K2 CADIZ bietet Hilfe an, ein Mietswohnung zu finden oder Sie können sich auch selbst eine Mietswohnung suchen.
Shared Apartment, Double Room, No Meals (2 students must book together)
Shared Apartment, Single Room, No Meals
Leider können wir für Sie kein Visum beantragen. Falls Sie ein Visum benötigen, kann Ihnen die Schule alle nötigen Unterlagen einschließlich der Annahmebestätigung und Quittung über die Zahlung der Gebühren zuschicken.
Ihre Buchungsbestätigung wird kostenfrei per Post an Ihre Heimatadresse geschickt. Wenn Sie Ihre Unterlagen per Express-Versand erhalten möchten, werden Ihnen 10 € bei der Anmeldung in Rechnung gestellt.
Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Cadiz Airport (XRY).
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Cádiz based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.
Haben Sie noch Fragen? Erhalten Sie Antworten von unseren Sprachreisenberatern und den Mitarbeitern und früheren Studenten des K2 CADIZ.
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